Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Samantha's 2nd Month and her first Easter

I know I'm REALLY behind on these, but I'll try to do better. So...in Samantha's second month we went to the doctor and she weighed 11 pounds 3 ounces (50th percentile) and was almost 24 inches long (75th percentile). She did great at the doctor until she had to have her shots, even though I think it was more traumatic for me than it was for her. Everyone told me she would sleep and sleep after her shots, well not my child!! I think she was awake more than usual. It was a LONG 24 hours. Also in her second month we traveled to Orlando with my mom and dad to see Uncle Colby. He caddied for Sam Saunders in the Bay Hill Invitational Golf Tournament. Samantha did great!! The ride down was almost flawless and then everyday she made it through at least 9 holes of golf. I would then feed her and then we'd head back out on the course to watch Sam and Colby. The weather was BEAUTIFUL and it was great to be in Orlando again. I do have to say that it was the first time in a long time that I was there and didn't go to Disney.

She also met Annie and Winters during the month. They were in town for a bachelorette party and stopped by to see us. It was great to see them, and I wish we could get together more often!!

Easter was a great day!! Between the 3 of us we had 5 Easter baskets. My mom gave her her Easter outfit. It was this precious little outfit with Peter Rabbit scenes on it and a cute yellow bow. We went to church and had brunch then headed outside for the balloon launch with all of the kids. After church we went to 131 Main (yum!) for lunch with mom and dad. It was a great day!

Peter, Samantha, Ty, Anna, and I headed to Hilton Head one weekend, and had a great time. We didn't spend too much time on the beach because it was super windy, but spent time by the pool. We couldn't have asked for better weather. While we were there Samantha got a stomach virus, so we had to cut our trip a little short so we could head home to see the doc. It was just a 24 hour bug, but had me nervous! 3 days later I got it. FUN FUN!

Samantha's personality really started to come out during this month. She is a ham, and loves to smile and tell sad stories. She is very expressive with her eyebrows and she just talks and talks! She is definitely a morning person, and is still not sleeping a whole heck of a lot! She'll have little naps during the day, but I think she is afraid she is going to miss something. At night it really depends. Some nights she'll sleep all night and then other nights she is up 5 times. I'm just waiting for the sleeping all night to kick in sometime soon!

I'm sure I have forgotten something, but I will try to be better!

1 comment:

Made Unique (Rachael Sylvestre) said...

Her Easter bib some got for her from Hallmark :-) Just thought I would pass that on :-) She is a darling!